Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Have you ever???

Have you ever had a workout that was truly amazing. One that was not much different than any other day... But for some reason your mind just started making sense of everything and a you finished with a new found motivation and direction??? My run this afternoon was that workout.

I'm not sure what triggered it. Could it have been the typical mundane routine at the office? Or maybe the inspiring race report from my good friend Jackie? The chance conversation with the concierge in my building who just returned after being out for many weeks that was the result of heart disease and emphysema? Visiting with my family this holiday season and seeing my mom's 90 lbs weight loss; or my dad trying to figure out how to live forever?

Whatever it was this afternoon's run was amazing. It occurred to me that I have all the tools needed to change my life the way that I want. I have completed a 500 hour course in personal training, and know how to design workouts and nutrition/meal plans, I have the determination to finish races, which is evidenced by this last year of racing. I have an eagerness to improve. And finally I have some good friends that will support me along the way.

This workout couldn't have come at a better time. It's the end of one year, and the start of a new one. I anticipate this year to be an awesome adventure, highlighted by some amazing times.

I feel blessed. For the first time in a long time I find myself talking passionately about something that interests me a great deal. Triathlon. Yes, things are missing in my life. I'm 33 and single, with no signs of that changing; working a job that just feels like work everyday, and having to make some tough decisions regarding friends, and what constitutes a friend to me, and how I can be a better friend to some amazing people.

I have my work cut out for me. This weekend I will sit down and work out a nutrition plan and finish up my workout schedule through Ironman Arizona. I am ready for the challenge, open to the idea of someone to share the adventure with, and just enjoying the hell out of life.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

2011 is going to be the year...

2010 is winding to a close and it was a hell of a year. I did 3 marathons, 2 Ironman, a half Ironman, the Urbanathlon in Chicago, the Army 10-miler, a few Olympic distance triathlons, 2 sprints, and started the year with the JFK 20k. It was an awesome year. :) But I feel I didn't live up to my full potential. My diet and nutrition were all out of whack and I think my training suffered from it.

So the goal for 2011 get my diet and nutrition on track. A big piece of that is to cut out the beer, wine, margaritas and all other delicious beverages that are best consumed with reckless disregard for moderation. The question this raises is... How does one be social without drinking? I'm sure it can be done. It may be my greatest challenge, but if I can get the support of my friends... And break out of my shell it should be a good year.

If I can keep on track, slim down I hope by November I will be ready for an awesome race at Ironman Arizona. And who knows... I may be racing Kona in October (depending on the lottery drawing in April), so I need to be ready so I don't make a fool of myself.

2011 is going to be the year that I am the person I want to be; not just settle for hangin out, having fun, and suffering through some of the longer races.

Hope y'all support me.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

First long ride in awhile...

I'm back at it and made it through the first week of training. Missed one workout on Wednesday... But hit the rest of them. All in all it was a good week. Somehow the bike is the hardest for me to get back into. But I did a two hour ride this morning. It was easy, in the living room, but it was time in the saddle.

Now my goal is to figure out the schedule. I'm hoping to start getting to bed early enough so I can get up at 4 to get my workouts in. Cause I really hate working late. We'll see how it goes.

I think my biggest challenge this season, as with any year, is the diet. I need to focus on slimming down, and will look at cutting out booze here shortly. I think if I do that, and pay closer attention to what I eat when I go out... Along with doing more dinners at home.

Along with trying to fit in some good training this winter, I'm also going to try to take up down hill skiing. I don't think I have been since I was 6 or so... So it should be interesting. Let's hope I don't break anything.

So that's the plan. We'll see how it goes.